In this blog post, ‘5 Mindset Shifts to Implement that will Help you Grow Your Business’. We will be covering:
01. Stop Thinking, Start Doing
03. There is more than enough to go around
04. Everyone has something to offer
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Today I want to share with you a secret superpower.
It will help your business thrive. It’s going to save you time and money. It even has the power to change the course of your relationships, your work and your whole life!
What is it you ask? What is this secret?
It’s your MINDSET.
We all have it, it’s totally free – many just don’t know how to use it yet! It’s such a small thing and yet it can have such a big impact on your life. Our thoughts are driving the show, making us feel empowered or undeserving.
The truth is – if you think you’re going to do well – you will! It might sound too good to be true. But it’s not! Your mind is a superpower that’s free and available to you ALL the time.
Let me share with you 5 mindset shifts that I guarantee will help you take your business to the next level.
The first and most important thing you can do to shift your mindset and grow your business is to TAKE ACTION.
It doesn’t matter how many great business ideas we may have, if we don’t act on them, that’s all they ever remain – ideas. Think of all the smartest people in the world, would we be where we are today if they hadn’t put their ideas into action.
You can achieve ANY outcome that you want. You just get in your own way. We all do this. We think about an outcome we want to have, and we feel like we’re going to work towards it, but we hesitate. Why? Because “we have to think about it.”
It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of coming up with ideas and never implementing them. Our mind has a sneaky way of encouraging us to put things off. I’m not telling you to change your world overnight. Taking action is scary, I know – so start with baby steps.
Start small. Start simple. But just start!
Breaking your brilliant plans into small, simple goals will keep you focused on creating positive change. It doesn’t matter how slow your moving, as long as you’re moving!
Do you find yourself placing your happiness in the future? Living in the mindset that building your business will be HARD and that you’ll only be happy at the end of the road.
Working towards your dream business might mean late nights, obstacles and hardships. You may experience setbacks! But life is short. Savour each moment of building your dream, because one day it will be a distant memory – make it a good one.
If you think you’ll be happy ONCE you’ve achieved something, the chance is, your goalpost will keep on moving and there will always be something bigger and better to work towards. Don’t miss the greatness and everything you’re experiencing right now! Enjoy the process.
Have you ever found yourself a victim of the green envy monster? Scrolling through social media wishing you had her thriving business, longing for the beautiful house he just bought – thinking it will never happen for you.
We’ve all been there, many times. Our natural tendency when we see people who have more success is to envy them. But hold on. Is there a limit on money, a limit on happiness, a limit on dream jobs? No!
Let’s shift that mindset. There is more than enough money, opportunities, success, happiness, dream jobs and significant others to go around! Whatever you want exists in abundance. Just because that girl you used to go to college with got your dream job doesn’t mean that you can’t get that job too! If anything, seeing someone so close to you achieving their dream should just show you how attainable it is.
Instead of being envious of others and their success, celebrate others and feel inspired by them! Remember someone else’s success does not equate to your failure. Self-comparison is a dangerous game. We are unique and on our own path and there is more than enough to go around.
When we are in a business mindset, our natural tendency is to assume that we can only learn from those who have the same goals as us… who already live the life that we dream of… or who can teach us a new specific skillset.
This mindset is limiting us to hundreds of learning opportunities. Why?
“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t” – Bill Nye
How true is that statement? You can learn valuable lessons from each person you encounter! Everyone in this world has something to offer – you just need to be curious enough to discover it. Shift your mindset to a learning mindset.
YOU my friend, are worthy of having it all, of living your dreams, of being incredibly happy. We often create our own cages that limit us from growing and following our dreams. We limit ourselves by believing we are not enough – based on past experiences and belief systems. It is time to let go of this negative talk, strengthen your mindset and start living your dreams.
Flex your mindset muscles. Shift your mindset! Instead of telling yourself you CAN’T do something. Ask yourself HOW you can do it?
What do you need to learn? Who can you learn from? Set yourself goals and TAKE ACTION. Feeling scared is not a reason not to do something. Susan Jeffers discusses five truths about fear in the first chapter of her book ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ – which we can’t recommend enough by the way. Two of those truths are:
‘The fear will never go away as long as I continue to grow’
‘The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it’
EVERYONE feels fear. Nobody on this planet is fearless. Your mind is telling yourself you can’t do something when you are more than capable of doing anything! The only person stopping you .. is you.
There is no one in this world that can do life the way you do! Take some time to start implementing these mindset shifts and achieve the business success you have been craving.
Are you ready to take your business to the next level but unsure how to make it happen? Reach out to our team of experts for advice HERE on how we can help you grow your business.